1998 Ultimate Four

SP : 1 | LP : 1 | Final : 1 | Photos
Date April 23, 1998
Location Binghampton, New York
Short Program (1) Scores Coming soon.
Long Program (1) Scores Coming soon.
Long Program (1) Review Elena and Anton started out with a double split twist. They followed with a double axel double toe loop combination. Anton looked very steady in the air, but was just a tiny bit shaky landing the axel. It was hardly noticed as he covered nicely and performed a great double toe loop. Their lifts were the usual, very innovative lifts. The lift where Elena flips over on the dismount was great. Every judge placed B&S in first following an uncharacteristic fall on a throw by Kazakova and Dmitriev. I was shocked! Oksana fell on a throw and slid across the ice, almost crashing into the boards. B&S add another title to their collection.
Standings After SP
  1. Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze
  2. Oksana Kazakova and Artur Dmitriev
  3. Jenni Meno and Todd Sand
  4. Kyoko Ina and Jason Dungjen
Final Standings
  1. Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze
  2. Jenni Meno and Todd Sand
  3. Oksana Kazakova and Artur Dmitriev
  4. Kyoko Ina and Jason Dungjen

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