1998 European Championships
Location-Milan, Italy
Date-January 10-18, 1998
In the short program, Elena and Anton skated to "Swan Lake" as
well as I've seen them skate it! Every element was flawless and they
even received a 6.0 from the Polish judge, their first ever.
The long program, skated to "Dark Eyes," was also excellent. The
program included a triple split twist, side by side triple toe loops,
a throw triple loop, a throw triple salchow, and a slightly flawed
double axel - double toe loop combination. The program was placed
first by every judge, and Elena and Anton established themselves as
Olympic favorites by winning the 1998 Europeans.
Standings After Short Program-
- Elena Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze - RUS
- Sarah Abitbol and Stephane Bernadis - FRA
- Oksana Kazakova and Artur Dmitriev - RUS
- Dorota Zagorska and Mariusz Suidek - POL
- Evgenia Filonenko and Igor Marchenko - UKR
- Peggy Schwartz and Mirko Muller - GER
- Katerina Berankova and Otto Dlabola - TCH
- Yulia Obertas and Dmitry Palamarchuk - UKR
- Inga Rodionova and Aleksandr Anichenko - AZE
- Marsha Poluliaschenko and Andrew Seabrook - GBR
- Elaine Asanaki and Joel McKeever - GRE
- Olga Bestandigova and Josef Bestandig - SVK
- Maria Krasiltseva and Alexander Chestnikh - ARM
- Jekaterina Nekrassova and Valdis Mintals - EST
Final Standings-
- Elena Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze - RUS
- Oksana Kazakova and Artur Dmitriev - RUS
- Sarah Abitbol and Stephen Bernadis - FRA
- Dorota Zagorska and Mariusz Suidek - POL
- Peggy Schwartz and Mirko Muller - GER
- Evgenia Filonenko and Igor Marchenko - UKR
- Yulia Obertas and Dmitry Palamarchuk - UKR
- Katerina Berankova and Otto Dlabola - TCH
- Inga Rodionova and Aleksandr Anichenko - AZE
- Marsha Poluliaschenko and Andrew Seabrook - GBR
- Elaine Asanaki and Joel McKeever - GRE
- Olga Bestandigova and Josef Bestandig - SVK
- Jekaterina Nekrassova and Valdis Mintals - EST
- Maria Krasiltseva and Alexander Chestnikh - ARM
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