Elena and Anton's 1998 - 1999 Season Long Program will be skated
to Concerto for Coloratura or "Concerto for the Voice" composed by
Rheinhold Gliere.
Long program
- Music - Dark Eyes
- Composer- Traditional Russian music
- Costumes
- Performances
- 1998 Ultimate Four
- 1998 World Championships
- 1998 Winter Olympics
- Golden Gala
- 1998 European Championships
- 1998 Russian Nationals
- 1998 Champions Series Final
- 1997 Trophee Lalique
- 1997 Nations Cup
- 1997 World Championships
- 1997 European Championships
- 1997 Russian Nationals
- 1996 Cup of Russia
- 1996 Trophee Lalique
- Description
- SBS triple toe loops
- triple twist
- SBS double axel - double toe loop combo
- throw triple salchow
- circular spiral sequence
- forward inside death spiral
- toe overhead lift (one hand)
- pair camel spin
- throw triple loop
- back press lift with "flipping" dismount
- back outside death spiral
- circular spiral sequence
- flying camel site spin combination
- pair combination spin
- footwork sequence
- inverted star lift
1996 - 1997 Season
Short program
- Music - You millions I embrace you (questionable)
- Composer - Strauss
- Costume
- Performances
1997 World Championships
1997 European Championships
1997 Russian Nationals
1996 Cup of Russia
1996 Trophee Lalique
Long program - Dark Eyes (see above)
Exhibition Programs
- Music - Barcelona
- Composer - John Tesh
- Costumes
- Music - Elegie
- Composer - Sergei Rachmaninov
- Costume