Updates Archive
Week of October 19:
Week of September 27:
- New post to Fan List
- Sorry for the lack of updates recently; I'm on my school's volleyball
team and I play soccer too, so I've been busy. But when skating season gets
into full swing, I will be updating a lot more :)
Week of September 20:
Week of September 13:
Week of September 6:
Week of August 30:
Week of August 23:
Week of August 16:
Week of August 9:
Week of August 2:
Week of July 26:
Week of June 28:
Week of June 21:
Week of June 14:
May 16-June 14: Giving the entire site a new look, updating
Competitive Record, adding lots of new stuff, moving to Tripod.
Week of May 10
- May 13: Added a B&S message board (discontinued) and a chat room.
- May 15: Created a B&S quiz so that you can test
your knowledge!
Week of May 3
- May 5: Updated links page. Took off "figureskating.com" and added Triana's and Fiona's
figure skating sites, and skate.org-you can skate to these pages
from the links page.
- May 7: The old page used to have buttons, but I changed the
buttons to test because the page was getting too big.
Week of April 26
- April 28: Added more information to the
programs page.
- April 29: Changed the font on the entire website to "Verdana."
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